La Tempete
This is an Acadian “Complainte” which is a many versed story of tragedy set to a slow melancholic air. This paticular creation is the story of two drowned fishermen from Tignish PEI, and the miraculous escape of the young man fishing with them. The style of singing is ancient but the true story is from 2018.
La Tempête
On the 18th day of September
Sailing from Jude’s Point they made their way
Out upon the treacherous water
For three men, just another working day
There was Captain Glen Desroches
With Moe Getson whom he called his friend
And the young man Tanner Gaudet
They could not know, how this sad day would end
Venez entendre la tempête
Les pauvres âmes disparues
Venez entendre la mer inquiète
Deux pecheurs, ils sont cachés de nous
Near the reef a wave washed over
Then another larger in its wake
As the Kyla Anne went under
Through a hatch, Tanner made his chance escape
Looking back he saw no other
Not a hint of those two men in sight
Just the cover of a fish tub
Which he clung tight to to save his life
In the presence of two seagulls
And a seal to whom he sang a song
Tanner kicked his feet and paddled
Poor drowned spirits, urging him along
Finally on the shore he landed
Where he had to gather his last strength
Forced to walk more than an hour
To find shelter, at the Wind and Reef
From there they called to tell his father
And inform the R.C.M.P’s
They stripped his clothes and tried to warm him
With some tablecloths, they dried to heat
So the search began in earnest
All along the North Cape shore
Fishermen out on the water
Thinking, of these men, their search was for
Glen Desroches was found at North Cape
Close to those he loved the most
Moe Getson on the beach in Roseville
With some items, washed up from the boat
Some peace then for the suffering families
With these two men laid to rest
Some peace for those who searched to find them
Neighbors giving all and nothing less
In the churchyard Tignishers gather
Lifting lobster traps to form a tree
In the memory of these poor men
And all family members lost at sea