Peel Back The Stone

A new Easter song whose first two lines came to me in a dream. After the first line arrived early in the morning, I knew another would follow, so I stayed under the covers for another hour until it appeared. After that I knew the rest would follow. Interestingly I got up and went right to the piano where I played a chord progression that I had never played before. The song was complete by the days end. I just needed to tinker for a couple of weeks with a couple of awkward words.

Peel Back The Stone

Peel back the stone Day is upon us First light has woken Birds on the wing Birds in the hollow Flight of the swallow Morning has woken Each living thing

Peel back the stone Day is upon us First light has woken Him from the dead Life sweet and pleasing Death overreaching Linen is folded On a stone bed

Peel back the stone Day is upon us Sunlight has woken Seeds from the ground Here in the garden Where He is walking Birdsong unlocking Silence profound