Good Times In The Maritimes

Just a little summer fun and teasing when people come from away for a visit

Good Times In The Maritimes

There’s good times in the Maritimes So the Maritimers all say They don’t live for tomorrow Or long for yesterday They’re living in the here and now Together come what may There’s good times in the Maritimes So I’m headed back that way

I love it in Toronto Driving on the 401 They beep their horns to say hello So I wave at everyone Now they don’t use all their fingers When they’re waving back at me It reminds me of the Maritimes So nice and neighborly


I love it in Vancouver All the lovely sights to see I’m going to buy a bungalow If I win the lottery I love that vegan leather And the stretchy yogi pants Like the duds I wear Letting down my hair At a local legion dance


I love it up in Montreal Where they parlez vous francais And I love them kisses on the cheek From fellas named Rene They say they don’t like Canada I don’t believe in that Every time I say Canadians I get a cheer and a pat on the back


I love it in Saskatchewan Where they say the world is flat You look one way you see Winnipeg And the other way Medicine Hat I love it in Regina Where perogies make a feast But I’m trading Moosejaw for Moosehead And I’m on the road back East


I love it out in Calgary All the cowboy boots and hats I fit right in when I put on my rubber boots and cap I love them prairie oysters And I don’t mean to brag But I’m getting good at shucking them When I’m half in the bag


I love it up in Ottawa Where the politicians go And I love the House of Commons Where they put on quite a show They’re working on the budget And there’s one thing they agree There’s good times in the Maritimes Where the best of times are free


I love to go to Newfoundland The place they call the Rock They got winter storms in April And that funny way they talk I kissed the cod in Dildo Come by Chance I had me screech There’s plenty of fun in Newfoundland Just a little to far East